Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Zoella Beauty - Tutti Fruity Range

On a recent shopping trip I stopped in Superdrug and picked up a few things including part of the new Zoella Beauty range. The ones I grabbed were :

Candy Cream, Scrubbing Me Softly and Foam Sweet Foam.

Scrubbing Me Softly 

This is one of the best body scrubs I've used, as its a sugar scrub it feels great on your skin. After I washed my hair and used the body wash I took a scoop of this and exfoliated my skin with it, then rinsed it off and it just left my body feeling smooth and soft.

Candy Cream

The Candy Cream compliments Scrubbing Me Softly so so so well! Oh.My.Gosh! My skin feels so silky after using this combo. I love his body lotion because it has bursting beads the help moisturising and soaks in quickly without leaving my body stick for ages because I hate it when I put lotion on and I have to sit there for ages feeling sticky and it's horrible! Whereas this one soaks into my skin within 5 minutes. It smells amazing, it feels great and its just all around fantastic.

Foam Sweet Foam

Last but not least, Foam Sweet Foam, this shower gel smells so delicious! and although its a shower gel I sometimes pour some into my bath for a relaxing bubble bath. For both of these uses its lovely, my bath smells fantastic and my skin is left clean and soft. I must recommend using it as a bubble bath because its so relaxing!!  

Feel free to leave a comment and share!

Paper Tigerr


Monday, 1 June 2015

What's in My Make-Up Bag!

This is just a little look through my makeup bag, I love all the products I have and I must say I don't use all of them everyday. I use a range depending on what occasion.

- Simple kind to skin hydrating light moisturiser
- Maybelline baby skin primer
- Rimmel wake me up foundation
- Rimmel stay matte foundation
- Rimmel stay matte pressed powder
- 17 instant glow bronzer
- Sleek face contour kit - light
- Collection lasting perfection concealer

- Rimmel by kate - 16
- Rimmel colour rush -130 i want candy!
- Mac lustreglass - flusterose
- Topshop - alibi
- Baby lips - pink punch
- Givenchy lip gloss - 08
- Maybelline colour sensational - 240 galactic mauve
- Avon - daffodil petal
- Avon - starburst pink
- Avon - pout
- Avon - pink cashmere

- Topshop smokey eye palette - golden aurora
- Maybelline colour tattoo 24hr - pink gold
- Maybelline colour tattoo 24hr - bronze on bronze
- Scandaleyes waterproof liquid eyeliner
- Rimmel waterproof gel eyeliner
- Mac - blanc type
- Mac - brown down
- Avon - warm cashmere
- Scandaleyes - bad girl bronze
- Scandaleyes - buffing

I have some more but these are the main items that I use, I find all these products easy to use and quick to apply.

Paper Tigerr


Sunday, 29 March 2015

Body Image!

I want to talk about body image and mental health.

Body image is a big issue but you've just got to remember that everyone is different and its okay to have stretch marks or cellulite or anything, its normal. Its also okay to be slim but its not okay to think you have to fit into societys idea of perfect and beautiful; it doesn't matter what skin colour you have or what religion you follow, you're all beautiful!

Images of female bodies are everywhere, with girls selling everything from food to cars. actresses are becoming younger, taller and thinner. Women magazines are full of articles urging that if you can just loose those last few pounds, you will have it all: the perfect marriage, loving children and a rewarding career. Most of these standards are impossible and girls are starving themselves, there are so many mental health issues around weight and body image. People with Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) think about their real or perceived flaws for hours each day. They can control their negative thoughts and don't believe people who tell them that they look fine. Their thoughts may cause emotional distress and interfere with their daily functioning. They may miss work or school, avoid social situations and isolate themselves, even from family and friends, because they fear others will notice their flaws.

Traditionally, most of the concerns about media and body image have revolved around girls researchers are turning their attention to boys as well. A lot of research indicates that although boys are less likely to talk about their insecurities they too experience anxiety about their bodies.

So whoever you are, wherever you are just remember that even if you don't love yourself someone does.

Paper Tigerr


Friday, 30 January 2015

Tiny Haul!

The other day I popped into boots to have a little look around and ended up buying a couple of things. I got these products because of a few reviews that all said they're great. Firstly i bought the Rimmel Wake Me Up foundation in 010 which happens to be the palest and then two Maybelline 24hr Colour Tattoo's in 35-On and on Bronze and 65-Pink Gold.

Wake Me Up foundation 010
65-Pink Gold
35-On and on Bronze
top- On and on Bronze
bottom- Pink Gold

I love this foundation as it gives good coverage and keeps my skin moisturised, it blends easily and can be built up. The colour tattoos are amazing they're very pigmented and gorgeous colours, they're easy to blend and last really well. 

Paper Tigerr


Friday, 2 January 2015

Luna Calm!

I don't know weather any of you have read Zoella's book Girl Online but in it (no spoilers, I promise) to help with Penny's anxiety she comes up with an alter ego called Ocean Strong. Basically, Ocean Strong has all the characteristics that Penny wants; when she needs them she acts as Ocean and it helps her.
My anxiety has been really bad lately and a friend suggested I try this technique so far its been working for me. My alter ego is called Luna Calm; whenever i get stressed or panicked i just imagine that I'm Luna and it really does help.
I hope that you try this method and let me know if it helps you.

Paper Tigerr


Thursday, 1 January 2015

Winter Wonderland!

Yesterday, I visited Ashbourne and it had snowed about four inches before we got there so I couldn't resist going on a little walk and taking some pictures. It is so beautiful out in the countryside, anyway here are some of my favourites.

Paper Tigerr
