Friday, 30 January 2015

Tiny Haul!

The other day I popped into boots to have a little look around and ended up buying a couple of things. I got these products because of a few reviews that all said they're great. Firstly i bought the Rimmel Wake Me Up foundation in 010 which happens to be the palest and then two Maybelline 24hr Colour Tattoo's in 35-On and on Bronze and 65-Pink Gold.

Wake Me Up foundation 010
65-Pink Gold
35-On and on Bronze
top- On and on Bronze
bottom- Pink Gold

I love this foundation as it gives good coverage and keeps my skin moisturised, it blends easily and can be built up. The colour tattoos are amazing they're very pigmented and gorgeous colours, they're easy to blend and last really well. 

Paper Tigerr


Friday, 2 January 2015

Luna Calm!

I don't know weather any of you have read Zoella's book Girl Online but in it (no spoilers, I promise) to help with Penny's anxiety she comes up with an alter ego called Ocean Strong. Basically, Ocean Strong has all the characteristics that Penny wants; when she needs them she acts as Ocean and it helps her.
My anxiety has been really bad lately and a friend suggested I try this technique so far its been working for me. My alter ego is called Luna Calm; whenever i get stressed or panicked i just imagine that I'm Luna and it really does help.
I hope that you try this method and let me know if it helps you.

Paper Tigerr


Thursday, 1 January 2015

Winter Wonderland!

Yesterday, I visited Ashbourne and it had snowed about four inches before we got there so I couldn't resist going on a little walk and taking some pictures. It is so beautiful out in the countryside, anyway here are some of my favourites.

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